Bob Huggins Is Now 'Under Review' By WVU After He Used A Homophobic Slur To Describe Xavier Fans On Radio

Alright, so here's what was said: 

Yeah, it's as bad as the original tweets made it out to be. I don't know how Huggins just immediately goes there and says it twice, but WVU reviewing this was inevitable. I have no idea what's going to happen to him and I'm not going to speculate but it's obviously a serious matter that is now very public. 

At the same time, what the hell is Bill Cunningham and the other host doing here? They are just laughing along like isn't Huggs the best. Way to handle the situation on the fly. Cunningham is a staple on Cincinnati radio too. He's been on air here for like 40 years. 

Huggins was supposed to be attending an event tonight too. Clearly that's not happening: 

PS: Yeeaahh

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